Awards Finalists

Awards Finalists

SOPA Announces 2024 Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists and Winners!


1. Excellence in Reporting on Women’s Issues (卓越女性議題報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, India's Daughters
Honorable Mention: CNN International, Married to my rapist: The Indian women saying no
Finalist: The Associated Press, Scores of underage Rohingya girls forced into abusive marriages in Malaysia

Award for Excellence: Malaysiakini, Baby snatching: How stateless mums lose their infants in Sabah hospital
Honorable Mention: Project Multatuli, Abortion’s Stigma in Indonesia Keeps Rape Victims from Safe Health Services
Finalist: ThePrint, Bhanwari Devi was raped for trying to stop 1992 child marriage. ‘I curse her daily,’ says bride

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 性、權力及體制背叛下的台灣MeToo系列/Taiwan's MeToo Series: Sex, Power, and Institutional Betrayal
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 台灣卵子、中國客戶、美國配對─全球人工生殖產線裡的台灣女孩們/Taiwanese Eggs, Chinese Customers, Matched in USA: Taiwanese Girls in Global Assisted-Reproduction Line
Finalist: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media, 無法仰睡的人: 性侵案後,王瀞韓與家人的20年/The Girl Who Cannot Sleep on Her Back: 20 Years of Wang Jinghan and Her Family After Sexual Assault

2. Excellence in Journalistic Innovation (卓越新聞報道創新獎)
Award for Excellence: Financial Times, Satellites, drones and programming tools reveal the transformation of China's mosques
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, How to Cool Down a City
Finalist: Reuters, Beijing's record rainfall

Award for Excellence: Environmental Reporting Collective, Beneath The Sands
Honorable Mention: The Quint, Hellhole: The Reality of Manual Scavenging in India
Finalist: Rappler, The Kusiong Story Project

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 遊走兩岸海域的暴利生意:盜走台灣海砂,中國業者現形/Lucrative Business Beneath Taiwan Strait: Unveiling Chinese Vessels’ Illegal Dredging Activities
Honorable Mention: READr, 【VR 實境體驗】房間: 流亡港人的臺北記憶/VR Room: Exiled Hongkongers in Taipei
Finalist: 歪脑 | WHYNOT, 影观中的世界观:355部中外战争片告诉了我们什么?/What Do 355 Chinese and Foreign War Films Tell Us?

3. Excellence in Audio Reporting (卓越音频报道奖)
Award for Excellence: The Economist, Drum Tower Podcast
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, China's Property Crisis
Finalist: Project Brazen, Crypto Kingpins

Award for Excellence: The Economic Times, Fatigued & Flying: Why tired pilots are a wake-up call
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Political prisoners' families fall prey to scammers
Finalist: CNA, The mental health struggles of elite athletes

Award for Excellence: Voice of America Mandarin, 越洋电话 - 手举白纸的年轻世代/My Voice, Our Story: the Young Generation with White Paper in Hand
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 海上喋血案10年後,走進台灣監獄會客室的印尼女孩/10 Years After High Seas Murder Case: How Did It Change the Fate of an Indonesian Family?
Finalist: 中央廣播電臺 Radio Taiwan International, 「一場台灣無家者的居住革命」系列報導/'A Housing Revolution for the Homeless in Taiwan' Series Report

4. Excellence in Video Reporting (卓越視頻報道獎)
Award for Excellence: VICE News, Catfished by Captives
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, Huawei’s Shock Chip Breakthrough
Finalist: Bloomberg News, How Deadly Cough Syrup Spread Around the World

Award for Excellence: Narasi, Skandal Hijau/The Green Scandal
Honorable Mention: Eco-Business, Wasted: 360
Finalist: The Quint, Many Anti-Conversion Arrests in UP Defy the Law They Are Based On

Award for Excellence: 今周刊 Business Today, 海洋末日倒數中! 四面環海的台灣再也無魚可吃?/Counting Down for the Ocean! Is Taiwan Becoming a Fishless Island?
Honorable Mention: BBC Chinese, 「只要能逃出中國」: 他們橫跨雨林、穿越中南美國境「走線」偷渡到美國/Escaping China: The Harrowing Journey Through Jungles and Across Latin American Borders to Smuggle into the U.S.
Finalist: Radio Free Asia, 小孩也移民,誰傾聽過他們心聲?/When Children Become Immigrants, Who Listens to Their Voices?

5. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (卓越人權報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Associated Press, A frantic phone call helped untangle the mystery of missing Rohingya boat
Honorable Mention: BBC News Online, Afghanistan: 'Nothing we can do but watch babies die'
Finalist: 1843 Magazine, The Economist, Return to China? Xing would rather die in the jungle

Award for Excellence: Myanmar Now, Horrors of War
Honorable Mention: The Sydney Morning Herald, Kidnapped in Japan
Finalist: Frontier Myanmar, Enforced disappearances by Myanmar’s military junta

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 香港工運的現在與未來:勞工權益報導系列/The Present and Future of Labor Movement in Hong Kong
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao, 圖書下架系列/Off the shelves
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 販嬰啟事─走過80年代跨國販嬰、數不盡的私下收養黑數,他們充滿荊棘的尋親路/Revisiting the Scars of Child-Trafficking in Taiwan

6. Excellence in Feature Writing (卓越專題特寫獎)
Award for Excellence: Los Angeles Times, For 40 years he blamed himself for a girl’s murder. Then came a shocking discovery.
Honorable Mention: 1843 Magazine, The Economist, The second world war turned Okinawa into a graveyard. Now it’s in China’s sights.
Finalist: Bloomberg News, Australia’s Water Grab

Award for Excellence: The Sydney Morning Herald, China's Mongolian reach
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Myanmar's southern front
Finalist: GMA News Online, A Love Remains

Award for Excellence: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media, 烏克蘭戰場歸來: 鏖戰8個月,兩名台灣志願軍的P66公路紀實/Return from the Ukraine Battlefield: An Eight-month Struggle of Two Taiwanese Volunteer Soldiers
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 為了潤,他們在拉美長征四千公里/Journey for Hope: Chinese Migrants' Perilous Path to the U.S.
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 詐欺34億元買來的第二人生─王派宏吸金案,和「投資入籍」多米尼克的全球罪犯/Illicit Money and the Bought Second Life: How Dominica’s Citizenship Scheme Facilitates Taiwan's Illegal Money Game

7. Excellence in Technology Reporting (卓越科技报道奖)
Award for Excellence: Reuters, Cable wars
Honorable Mention: The Washington Post, Rising India, Toxic Tech
Finalist: Nikkei Asia, China's nuclear program secures sanctioned machine tools

Award for Excellence: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Kyrgyz, Kazakh Companies Send Western Tech To Firms Linked To Kremlin War Machine
Honorable Mention: Rest of World, Why Foxconn ventured out of China, and how it has struggled to make iPhones in India
Finalist: Frontier Myanmar, Exposing Myanmar's scam industry

Award for Excellence: 腾讯新闻 Tencent News, 徐小平退后一步,方爱之向前一步: 中国风投第一起交接故事/The Inaugural Succession Story in Chinese Venture Capital: Bob Xu Steps Back, Anna Fang Steps Forward
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 揭秘文心一言,AI時代的智能寫作利器/Unveiling Ernie Bot: Baidu's AI Under Scrutiny
Finalist: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 電動車的中國時代/The Chinese EV Era

8. Excellence in Magazine Design (卓越雜誌設計獎)*
Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 共好台灣 搖滾我鄉/Taiwan Communities, Revitalized
Honorable Mention: 生活月刊 China Life Magazine, Born in 1890s and 1990s: The Two Generations of 90s 再九零
Finalist: FuturArc, Volume 81: Old is Gold

9. Excellence in Arts & Culture Reporting (卓越藝術及文化報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Equal Times, “An age of cultural decline” coupled with an unusual boom – the curious impact of Hong Kong’s national security law on its book industry
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, India's Love Story With a Movie Still on the Big Screen After 27 Years
Finalist: Financial Times, Japan’s toddler superstar: the baby bringing hope to a ghost village

Award for Excellence: CNA, Kedah has Southeast Asia's oldest civilisation and archaeologists barely know its complete history
Honorable Mention: The Japan Times,Has Japan mastered sitting?
Finalist: Frontier Myanmar, Myanmar’s bitterly divided film industry

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 媽祖,與祂的家人們─百萬人進香的歷史足印與文化新生/Mazu and Her Family: the Historical Footprints and Cultural Rebirth of Millions of Taiwan Pilgrims
Honorable Mention: 生活月刊 LIFE Magazine, 陆上行舟/Navigation on the land
Finalist: 關鍵評論網 The News Lens, 論蔡明亮十年的創作轉向/The Transformative Decade of Tsai Ming-Liang’s Artistic Creation

10. Excellence in Bahasa Indonesia News Reporting (Penghargaan Karya Jurnalistik Kategori Bahasa Indonesia)
Award for Excellence: Harian Kompas, Darurat Kemandirian Pangan di Kepulauan/Emergency Food Self-Sufficiency in the Islands
Honorable Mention: Project Multatuli, HilirisasiOligarki, tentang dampak tambang dan smelter nikel pada masyarakat/Oligarchy Downstreaming: Impact of Nickel Mining and Smelters on Local Lives
Finalist:, Di Balik Kecanggihan Teknologi/On the Other Side of Technological Progress

11. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting (卓越解釋性報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Nikkei Asia, Asia's Age of Hydropolitics
Honorable Mention: Reuters, The U.S.-China tech battle
Finalist: The Wire China, Sidelined

Award for Excellence: Eco-Business, Decoding sustainable finance
Honorable Mention: China Global South Project, Nickel Déjà vu: Land Grabbing Smears China-backed Quartz Downstreaming Project
Finalist: Hong Kong Free Press, Hong Kong's first "patriots-only" District Council election

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 香港審訊進行時: 國安法庭報導系列/Trials Under the Shadow: Reporting on Hong Kong's National Security Court Cases
Honorable Mention: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 逃离盛世,裸命天涯:那些润途上的中国人/The Run Movement: Why are So Many People Fleeing China?
Finalist: 信報財經月刊 Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, 畢業即失業 千萬孔乙己誕生/Jobless Generation: How China Creates Millions of Kong Yiji

12. Excellence in Business Reporting (卓越經濟報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Inside China’s Crackdown
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, The Guardian, OCCRP, Adani uncovered: investigation reveals billionaire's hidden investors
Finalist: Bloomberg News, China’s Property Crisis

Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, Workers exploited in post-coup Myanmar
Honorable Mention: Myanmar Now, Exposing the junta’s efforts to finance its war on Myanmar’s people
Finalist: CNA, ‘Happy to do the bare minimum’: Fears rising that Johor’s brain drain has worsened its work culture

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 中國煙癮系列/China's Smoking Addiction
Honorable Mention: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media, 當他們一腳踩進債務流沙/Another Consumer Credit Crisis? Unveiling New Debt Problems in Taiwan
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 台灣卵子、中國客戶、美國配對─全球人工生殖產線裡的台灣女孩們/Taiwanese Eggs, Chinese Customers, Matched in USA: Taiwanese Girls in Global Assisted-Reproduction Line

13. Excellence in Infographics (卓越數據圖像獎)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, How to Cool Down a City
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Journey into sleep
Finalist: Nikkei Asia, Disasters Explained: Great Kanto Earthquake/Fukushima wastewater release

Award for Excellence: The Age, Who is eating all the fish?
Honorable Mention: Kontinentalist, Terraforming Singapore: Is the future made of sand?
Finalist: Eco-Business, Are Asia's shipowners doing enough to cut greenhouse gas emissions?

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 解放軍如何進逼第一島鏈: 台海衝突下牽動的美日軍事布局/As China Closes in on the First Island Chain, the U.S. - Japanese Military Strategy Reshapes Over Taiwan Strait
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 2023台北都更地圖》都更變豪宅!又老又貴的天龍國,誰住得起?/Taipei's 2023 Map: Old and Expensive - Who Can Afford to Live There?
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 老去的中國:30年後會變成什麼樣?/Aging China: The Next 30 Years

14. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News (卓越突發新聞獎)***
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, India Train Crash
Honorable Mention: Agence France-Presse, Fearing deportation, thousands of Afghans leave Pakistan
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Horror and Hope: India’s Train Crash

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 香港世紀暴雨系列:海綿城市的未來/Breaking Waters: Testing Hong Kong's Flood Preparedness
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 透視2023開春缺蛋現象系列報導/Taiwan's Acute Shortage of Eggs in the Spring of 2023
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 合肥故居獻花現場:他們為心目中的好人李克強,開一場民間追悼會/A Nation Mourns: Remembering Li Keqiang Through Spontaneous Tributes in Hefei

15. Excellence in Opinion Writing (卓越評論獎)
Award for Excellence: China Books Review, Mao to Now
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, Beware the great battery industry fallacy
Finalist: The New York Times, Shining Light On How China’s Economic Mistakes Are Affecting Real People

Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, Righting wrongs in Myanmar
Honorable Mention: FuturArc, Designing for Non-humans as an Act of Service
Finalist: Economy Next, Sri Lanka’s collapse in new sovereign default wave is not really China’s fault: Bellwether

Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 陳良榕專欄 Liang-rong Chen's Column on Inside Stories of Tech Industries
Honorable Mention: 灼見名家, 好學生李克強 My outstanding student, Li Keqiang
Finalist: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 謝長泰專欄 Chang-Tai, Hsieh's Column on Taiwan's Economic Development

16. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment (卓越環境報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Washington Post, Clean Cars, Hidden Toll
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, Climate Finance at Risk
Finalist: The Guardian, Facing extinction: Tuvalu's climate crisis dilemma

Award for Excellence: Earth Journalism Network, It's a Wash
Honorable Mention: Rest of World, The race to put Indigenous land on the map
Finalist: China Global South Project, Nickel Déjà vu: Land Grabbing Smears China-backed Quartz Downstreaming Project

Award for Excellence: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media, 你的快門殺了牠: 台灣鳥類籠拍誘拍場調查實錄/Bird Shooting: An investigation into Bird Baiting in Taiwan
Honorable Mention: 商業周刊 Business Weekly, 手機河與晶圓山 掠奪之島/Cellphone Rivers, Wafer Mountains: How Technology Deprives Taiwan's Nature
Finalist: 願景工程 Vision project, 琉給海什麼: 人類與生態如何共享海洋/What to Leave to the Sea?

17. Excellence in Photography (卓越攝影獎)
Award for Excellence: The Associated Press, Afghanistan On The Edge
Honorable Mention: Agence France-Presse, Desperate Rohingya seek safety in Indonesia
Finalist: The New York Times, Loss Piles on Loss for Afghan Women

Award for Excellence: South China Morning Post, How dams in China are destroying livelihoods downstream in Cambodia
Honorable Mention: Rest of World, Land-mapping efforts in Borneo
Finalist: FuturArc, Old is Gold

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 台海戰爭陰影下的連場預演/Under the Shadow of War: Taiwan's Mock Defense Amid Rising Tensions
Honorable Mention: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 福岛:难归之岸/Fukushima: The shore of no return
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 中國煙草的「囚徒」/In the Haze: The Faces Behind China's Tobacco Empire

18. The Scoop Award (獨家新聞獎)***
Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, Debt and desperation driving overseas kidney sales
Honorable Mention: The Wall Street Journal, Powering China’s Nuclear Program
Finalist: Financial Times, US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 揭開澳龍走私海上交易線─中澳貿易制裁角力,與台灣、金馬走私鏈的蝴蝶效應/Lobster Trade: Taiwan’s Frontline Islands Booming with Smuggling Business Amid China’s Skirmishes with Australia
Honorable Mention: 商業周刊 Business Weekly, 減碳夢變戴奧辛危機/From Decarbonization Dream to Dioxin Nightmare
Finalist: 明報 Ming Pao, 高才通報道/Top “talent” who gets a pass

19. Carlos Tejada Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting (卓越調查報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Reuters, A deadly elixir
Honorable Mention: The Outlaw Ocean Project, China: The Superpower of Seafood
Finalist: Bloomberg News, Bad Medicine

Award for Excellence: Rappler, Immunity and Impunity - How Diplomats Get Away with Abusing Migrant Domestic Workers
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Companies exploit loopholes to dump waste in Myanmar
Finalist: The Sydney Morning Herald, Kidnapped in Japan

Award for Excellence: 上下游新聞市集 News & Market, 破碎的西海岸 | 農田、魚塭、光電海/Taiwan's Broken West Coast: Farmlands and Fish Ponds Turn into Solar Panel Sites
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 中國式解封/The Unraveling: China's Abrupt End to Zero-COVID and its Aftermath
Finalist: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 亡命泰国的中国难民:从漩涡中向自由挣扎/Chinese refugees in Thailand: struggling towards freedom

20. SOPA Award for Young Journalists (亞洲出版業協會最佳新人記者大獎)**
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Rebecca Feng
Finalist: Financial Times, Qianer Liu
Finalist: Southeast Asia Globe, Anton L. Delgado

21. SOPA Award for Public Service Journalism (亞洲出版業協會公共服務新聞大獎)*
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg News, Bad Medicine
Finalist: Financial Times, The global network behind the fentanyl crisis
Finalist: The Washington Post, The Collection

* One award across all three groups

** Combined English and Chinese-language groups (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)

*** Combined Global/Regional groups (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)

NOTE: This list is based on the titles of entries as submitted. Due to system limitations, the above links lead to just one story in each entry, even for entries that consisted of a package of related stories. The judges took into consideration the entire package of stories in making their decisions.

Please be reminded that any articles on this list used for promotional purposes at any time should wherever possible display the SOPA 2024 Awards logo and include a link